On the Title

Roi-Et a.k.a. "101" is a city in the northeast of Thailand. I spent more than "One Night in Bangkok," and was on my way to Roi-Et. It wasn't my final destination in Thailand, but the place where I grew the most. I gained a tolerance for spicy food, and learned a little dialect called Essan-- a mixture of Laos and Thai. I learned that it's not the destination but the journey that matters. Just as random as my adventures were in Thailand, so is my life--it's like living in L.A. (oh by the way L.A. is another nickname for Roi-Et).

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger

There is probably going to be a million blog postings about the death of Heath Ledger, so I decided to make it a million and one. I was sad about the news. I will admit (now that I am grown, and out of the silly teen idol phase) that I had a crush on him. Yes, he was very cute when he co-starred with Keri Russell in the short-lived Medieval period series "Roar," and then popped up as the rebel Patrick Verona in 10 Things I Hate About You. I watched it almost on a weekly basis with my Kiwi friend Kristie (sorry about the misspelling) memorizing the whole movie and quoting lines at just the right moment--it was beautiful how every line could fit into our BYU world.

Because of him I thought I "could change my stars" be whatever I wanted to be, and that only I can determine my destiny. Then we drifted apart. He sporadically popped up in movies that I haven't gotten around to see. I don't think I can watch 10 Things, or A Knight's Tale the same way again. This summer we will get to see him for the last time as the Joker in The Dark Knight.

I am sad that he is dead, and it's just weird . . . how all the reports said his body was found. . . . This is proof that it's hard to know what is really going on with people. It's really sad.

1 comment:

Jen Wolff said...

Sad huh? I feel bad for his baby! When someone close in age to us dies, it sometimes reminds me of my mortality! Makes me want to be sure all my ducks are in a row!