On the Title

Roi-Et a.k.a. "101" is a city in the northeast of Thailand. I spent more than "One Night in Bangkok," and was on my way to Roi-Et. It wasn't my final destination in Thailand, but the place where I grew the most. I gained a tolerance for spicy food, and learned a little dialect called Essan-- a mixture of Laos and Thai. I learned that it's not the destination but the journey that matters. Just as random as my adventures were in Thailand, so is my life--it's like living in L.A. (oh by the way L.A. is another nickname for Roi-Et).

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"I" is for Incoherency

Have you ever felt like your tongue is literally tied up, and you can't talk? or That your brain is thinking faster than your tongue can move and so you ramble on and on and on 'til your tongue catches up with your brain? Well that happens to me on a daily basis. Not only do I have a tongue-to-brain-synapse misfire, but I also have a problem with "word vomit" or "diarrhea of the mouth."

Earlier, I was talking on the phone with a student and all of the sudden my tongue got tied, and I felt the need to tell him that "I can't talk." What is wrong with me? Would telling him that I couldn't spit out a simple sentence make me feel better because he would then be sympathetic to my problems? (Because I wasn't feeling sympathetic towards his problems of IRRESPONSIBILITY, you're an adult man learn to take care of your problems.)

On top of that, bad grammar slips out, and I always catch myself doing it, and I definitely notice when other people speak improperly, but I don't call them on it cuz I'd rather have friends than not!

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