On the Title

Roi-Et a.k.a. "101" is a city in the northeast of Thailand. I spent more than "One Night in Bangkok," and was on my way to Roi-Et. It wasn't my final destination in Thailand, but the place where I grew the most. I gained a tolerance for spicy food, and learned a little dialect called Essan-- a mixture of Laos and Thai. I learned that it's not the destination but the journey that matters. Just as random as my adventures were in Thailand, so is my life--it's like living in L.A. (oh by the way L.A. is another nickname for Roi-Et).

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Must Have Really Liked the Movie!

Friday night I was suppose to see Hellboy 2: The Golden Army with my niece, but she decided to go to 7 peaks, so once again I donned my tankini for public scrutiny (it wouldn't bother me so much if I still had the body I had in high school). But that night, my dream wasn't about waterslides, or peeing in the wavepool, or even overexposure, it was about Hellboy.

In my dream there were demons in my room playing tricks on me. They were moving stuff around, and it seemed so real that when I woke up I thought they had really moved stuff. It was one of those I'm awake, but still dreaming moments.* Why did I dream about Hellboy, even though I didn't see the movie? Was my subconscious telling me something? and Why was it so real?

I still want to go see the movie!

*In those moments right after I wake up, or in the middle of a nap, I am really out of it, and very vulnerable (so if you want something from me that is the best time to get it, so don't bother me!).


Williams Family Dirt said...

Eric saw it, he said it wasn't that great. Hey, do you still have that signed copy of Twilight for me? And do you want to go to Borders at Midnight on August 1st to buy "Breaking Dawn" let me know! I will be in town that weekend!

Kerri Russell said...

I gave them to Kendra.
Oh Yeah!