On the Title

Roi-Et a.k.a. "101" is a city in the northeast of Thailand. I spent more than "One Night in Bangkok," and was on my way to Roi-Et. It wasn't my final destination in Thailand, but the place where I grew the most. I gained a tolerance for spicy food, and learned a little dialect called Essan-- a mixture of Laos and Thai. I learned that it's not the destination but the journey that matters. Just as random as my adventures were in Thailand, so is my life--it's like living in L.A. (oh by the way L.A. is another nickname for Roi-Et).

Monday, September 8, 2008

Spoiler Alert!

Now that I am student teaching I will not write about my daily experiences (mostly because they will be filled with my teaching misadventures, and I should protect the innocent that and if they found out what I really thought about them . . . ) so hopefully my blog won't get too boring, but don't worry there is never a dull moment in my life!

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